
(210) 957-0695

Our Team

Licensed Texas Underground Fireline Installer Registration # SCR-U-2393109
Team photo

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9
Company Values and Experience

Faith, Humility, and Teamwork

JC Utilities LLC was founded in 2018 by Billy Cooper and Sam Juarez. Our team has a combined experience of over 50+ years in underground utilities and general construction. We pride ourselves on operating an honest business that is tailored to the needs of our clients, and developing our employees from the ground up to excel on the job every day. This results in the highest quality product, safest installation, and the best possible customer and community experience. We also offer competitive wages, paid vacations, and bonuses to our employees.

Our Mission and Vision

Building Relationships

Our mission is to be a utility construction company that is fair and honest with our clients and treats all of our employees like family. Our vision is for slow, but steady growth through building and continuing relationships wiht our clients through quality and fair priced work and growth of our staff through training and development from within.


Team Members


Let's discuss a Request for Proposal or Budgeting!